Cancellation and Return Policy

How do I cancel an order?

– You can cancel your order before your product has shipped.
– Usually your order is shipped within 24hours of the order confirmation.

Can I cancel the order once it has been shipped?

Once the Product ordered is shipped/dispatched, an order cannot be cancelled.

How long will it take to process my cancellation request?

Once you request the cancellation of item(s) in your order, it will take us a maximum of 1-2 business days to cancel the order and initiate refund. You will be notified of the same.

If you opt for having the money transferred back to account by which you made payment the time period of refund would be dependent on Banks standard processing time. Please get in touch with the banks directly in case of any delays post confirmation of cancellation/refund.

How will I get my money back after cancellation? What are the modes of refund available?

In this case, the money will be refunded back to the account that was originally used to make the transaction. Once you have requested the cancellation of item(s) in your order, we will complete the cancellation and initiate the refund.

What is the ArtOfLiving.Store’s Return Policy?

– A Product once shipped/dispatched, cannot be returned.
– We accept Returns on Damaged/Expired products on receipt only.
– Any damaged/expired product that is not used can be returned
– Returned product to be sent with the same packaging material
Note: We require an intimation of a defective product within 24 hrs of receiving the same.

How customer can initiate a return if received product is damage or tampered with?

We strongly recommend not to accept shipments if damaged.

In case if the shipment is accepted and found the product is damaged In-Transit then, We require an intimation of a defective product within 24 hrs of receiving the same with the pictures of the damaged products.

After due diligence if the product is found to be defective, the product return would be accepted by us. The cost of the product return would be borne by us and the product replaced at the earliest as per the availability.