Privacy Policy

At ArtOfLiving.Store, we are committed to ensuring your data is safe with us. The data which includes your name, email, phone no, address, products purchased, your web browser cookies will not be shared with any other third party.  By visiting ArtOfLiving.Store you are accepting the practices defined in our policy.

The information collected from customers helps us to have personal relationship & improve your shopping experience. Any information you give us is stored with utmost care. This information helps us in serving you better. Needless to say we are bound to co-operate fully when situation requires us to do so, like by law or legal process, we have to provide information about our customers. Further we have the liberty to share the non-personal information with our marketing team, advertising agencies or any other similar parties for research & advertising purposes. Also e-mail id of “Tell a friend” will be used for new arrivals, promotions, etc.


Cookies are small amount of data, mostly alphanumerical identifiers. that are stored by your browser. This helps our system to recognize your browser the next time you enter our site. Our cookies do not contain any personally identifying information. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies. To take advantage of unique features we recommend that you allow cookies.


This policy is governed by the laws of India. Dispute if any, relating to any matter relating to or arising of out of this policy shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the appropriate courts at Bangalore.

Sri Sri Publications Trust,

VVMVP Campus,

21st km, Kanakapura Road,


Bangalore – 560 082

Karnataka – India.

Land Mark: The Art Of Living